In this photo story “Interweavings”, in collaboration with land artist Marvin Veloso, we explore the relationships between land, materiality, and performance. These images capture a liminal space, animating textures embedded within urban processes, decay and growth.
Using clothing and fabric that were once marked for donations, and materials collected by Marvin from the land, we threaded the materials through the natural environment -- branches, fences, cracks between abandoned wood, string, wires, metal pieces etc -- and created sculptural pieces. I then photographed these pieces on 120mm film.
The fabrics were torn by human hands -- a destruction that eerily reflects what is done on a much larger scale on this planet. The destructed, torn scraps are then folded, threaded, sewn and tucked together to form new life with a new purpose -- reflecting a hope of repurposing/recycling that we have for the planet.
I've always felt deeply connected to the land. I touch the earth, dig my fingers into sand, and imagine many moons ago, the same sensations connected across centuries. The complexities of textiles bare a similar affect in our lives: from cotton rags that we wipe down our kitchen counters with to silk scarves that are passed down through generations to wool sweaters carefully stored and refreshed every year. Textiles are intrinsically weaved through our lives. But as the global environmental crisis escalates, I find myself confronting the many textures in my life -- conflicted with how to use, recycle, and bring them in and out of my life responsibly and ethically -- is it even possible within the contemporary global supply chain?
We believe that the excess and discarded, with intention and effort, can be transformed into something beautiful and meaningful, brimming with new life.
- Grace Wang and Marvin Veloso