

120mm, 35mm

Trace is a series of ten photos shot on 120mm and 35mm film in monochrome and color, consisting of single and multiple in-camera exposures.

As one branch yearns for another, a single flower stretches across water, light spills and hands reach, my eyes keep searching across time, space and frames, looking for a trace of something real and urgent and alive, something that testifies to our presence in this uncertain world. 

Why are we here? What does it mean?

Making this series over the last year has only enhanced these existential queries. These are my efforts to distill what matters in our brief time on this earth, barely a trace.

reach I, 2021, Gelatin Silver Print, 19x19in, Edition 1 of 2

light touch I, 2021, Archival Pigment Print, 11.5x7.5in, Edition 1 of 5

light touch II, 2021, Gelatin Silver Print, 11.5x7.5in, Edition 1 of 5

that summer day, 2021, Archival Pigment Print, 7.5x11.5in, Edition 1 of 5

days of wild, 2021, Gelatin Silver Print, 19x19in, Edition 1 of 2

here, 2020, Archival Pigment Print, 11.5x7.5in, Edition 1 of 5

days of roses, 2022, Archival Pigment Print, 19x15.5in, Edition 1 of 3

reach II, 2020, Archival Pigment Print, 11x11in, Edition 1 of 5

the lightest, 2021 Archival Pigment Print, 11x9in, Edition 1 of 5

a touch of red, 2021, Archival Pigment Print, 19x19in, Edition 1 of 3

Gallery 44 exhibition, June 3 - July 2, 2022, Toronto CA

In Flux

by Grace Wang & Daura Campos

curated by Kelsey Myler

Documentation photos by Darren Rigo

© All rights reserved Grace Wang
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